
Miley Cyrus poster (5200x3500, 2Mb)
On her appearance on The Today Show, Miley Cyrus tried to clear up
her reputation and told her fans that being in the public eye is difficult
when you're human. Humongously famous, yes, but still human.
Miley performed at New York's Rockefeller Plaza last week,
singing some of her hits like "Party in the U.S.A." and "The Climb."
She then discussed what plans she had for her already-successful career.
"I want to be able to step out and maybe take a break for a while
and write music that inspires me,"
the Hannah Montana star said.
"I think there's always a formula ...
I think the best way to do that is put it out of the way and do something new."
She also talked about her upcoming movie.
"It's gonna be crazy 'cause in January, that's when 'The Last Song' comes out,
so that's going to be kind of rad and kind of dark and kind of a drama.
And [then I] go back to 'Hannah Montana.' It's going to be great!"
As for being in the public eye, she added that she's still bound to make mistakes.
Don't we know it.
"I'm not here to say I'm perfect 'cause I'm far from it,"
Cyrus admitted.
"My mistakes are kind of a little bit harder because they are in front of millions
and millions of people. It's hard sometimes to smile about it,
but it also makes you want to try harder the next time."

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Miley Cyrus poster (5200x3500, 2Mb)
On her appearance on The Today Show, Miley Cyrus tried to clear up
her reputation and told her fans that being in the public eye is difficult
when you're human. Humongously famous, yes, but still human.
Miley performed at New York's Rockefeller Plaza last week,
singing some of her hits like "Party in the U.S.A." and "The Climb."
She then discussed what plans she had for her already-successful career.
"I want to be able to step out and maybe take a break for a while
and write music that inspires me,"
the Hannah Montana star said.
"I think there's always a formula ...
I think the best way to do that is put it out of the way and do something new."
She also talked about her upcoming movie.
"It's gonna be crazy 'cause in January, that's when 'The Last Song' comes out,
so that's going to be kind of rad and kind of dark and kind of a drama.
And [then I] go back to 'Hannah Montana.' It's going to be great!"
As for being in the public eye, she added that she's still bound to make mistakes.
Don't we know it.
"I'm not here to say I'm perfect 'cause I'm far from it,"
Cyrus admitted.
"My mistakes are kind of a little bit harder because they are in front of millions
and millions of people. It's hard sometimes to smile about it,
but it also makes you want to try harder the next time."

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